Nolte, Maximilian ; Torchio, Riccardo ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Dölz, Jürgen ; Wolf, Felix ; Ruehli, Albert E. (2025): A Low-Frequency-Stable Higher-Order Isogeometric Discretization of the Augmented Electric Field Integral Equation. In: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, ISSN: 0018-926X, DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2024.3524031, ARXIV: 2401.10735v2, forthcoming. [Article]


Nolte, Maximilian ; Torchio, Riccardo ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Dölz, Jürgen ; Wolf, Felix ; Ruehli, Albert E. (2023): A Spline-Based Surface Integral Equation Method. In: URSI Kleinheubacher Tagung (KHB 2023), Miltenberg. URL: https://www.kh2023.de. [Talk]

Nolte, Maximilian ; Torchio, Riccardo ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Dölz, Jürgen ; Wolf, Felix ; Ruehli, Albert (2023): A Spline-Based Full-Wave Partial Element Equivalent Circuit Method. In: 24th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (COMPUMAG 2023), Kyoto, Japan. International Compumag Society. URL: https://www.compumag2023.com. [Poster]

Dölz, Jürgen ; Harbrecht, Helmut ; Kurz, Stefan ; Multerer, Michael ; Nolte, Maximilian ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Wolf, Felix (2023): Bembel: The BEM-Based Engineering Library. In: SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) 2023, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. URL: https://www.siam.org/conferences/cm/conference/cse23. [Talk]


Dölz, Jürgen ; Multerer, Michael ; Nolte, Maximilian ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Wolf, Felix (2022): Mortaring for the Isogeometric Boundary Element Method. In: X International Conference on Isogeometric Analysis (IGA 2022), Banff. URL: http://iga2022.usacm.org/. [Talk]


Kurz, Stefan ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Unger, Gerhard ; Wolf, Felix (2021): Solving Maxwell's Eigenvalue Problem via Isogeometric Boundary Elements and a Contour Integral Method. In: Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 44, (13), pp. 10790–10803, ISSN: 1099-1476, DOI: 10.1002/mma.7447, ARXIV: 2001.09686. [Article]


Wolf, Felix (2020): Bembel: An Overview. In: Workshop on Advances in Electromagnetic Research – KWT 2020, Virtual Conference. URL: http://maxwell-in-motion.org. [Talk]

Wolf, Felix (2020): Analysis and Implementation of Isogeometric Boundary Elements for Electromagnetism. Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt. ISBN: 978-3-030-61938-1, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-61939-8, Springer Theses: Recognizing Outstanding Ph.D. Research. [Dissertation]

Dölz, Jürgen ; Harbrecht, Helmut ; Kurz, Stefan ; Multerer, Michael ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Wolf, Felix (2020): Bembel: The Fast Isogeometric Boundary Element C++ Library for Laplace, Helmholtz, and Electric Wave Equation. In: Software X, 11, pp. 100476, ISSN: 2352-7110, DOI: 10.1016/j.softx.2020.100476, ARXIV: 1906.00785. [Article]

Dölz, Jürgen ; Kurz, Stefan ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Wolf, Felix. Chaillat-Loseille, Stéphanie ; Hiptmair, Ralf ; Steinbach, Olaf (editors) (2020): Recent Advances of Isogeometric Boundary Element Methods for Electromagnetic Scattering Problems. In: Boundary Element Methods, volume 5, 37–40. Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach. DOI: 10.14760/OWR-2020-5. [In Proceedings]

Dölz, Jürgen ; Kurz, Stefan ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Wolf, Felix (2020): A Numerical Comparison of an Isogeometric and a Parametric Higher-Order Raviart-Thomas Approach to the Electric Field Integral Equation. In: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 68, (1), pp. 593–597, ISSN: 0018-926X, DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2019.2935778, ARXIV: 1807.03628. [Article]

Calotoiu, A. ; Geisenhofer, Markus ; Kummer, Florian ; Ritter, M. ; Weber, J. ; Hoefler, T. ; Oberlack, Martin ; Wolf, Felix (2020): Empirical Modeling of Spatially Diverging Performance. In: 2020 IEEE/ACM International Workshop on HPC User Support Tools (HUST) and Workshop on Programming and Performance Visualization Tools (ProTools), 71–80. DOI: 10.1109/HUSTProtools51951.2020.00015. [In Proceedings]


Wolf, Felix ; Dölz, Jürgen ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Kurz, Stefan (2019): Isogeometric Discretizations of the Electric Field Integral Equation. In: 2019 URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS). ISBN: 978-1-946815-06-4, DOI: 10.23919/URSI-EMTS.2019.8931467. [In Proceedings]

Pels, Andreas ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Wolf, Felix (2019): Octave, Füchse und Pinguine – Numerische Mathematik mit dem Rechenprogramm Octave. In: c't, 15, pp. 146–152, ISSN: 0724-8679. [Article]

Kurz, Stefan ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Wolf, Felix (2019): Solving Electromagnetic Eigenvalue Problems via an Isogeometric Boundary Element Method and Contour Integration. In: Workshop on Advances in Electromagnetic Research – KWT 2019, Riezlern, Austria. URL: http://maxwell-in-motion.org. [Talk]

Kurz, Stefan ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Wolf, Felix (2019): Discretising Function Spaces Related to Electromagnetism. In: Workshop on Advances in Electromagnetic Research – KWT 2019, Riezlern, Austria. URL: http://maxwell-in-motion.org. [Talk]

Kurz, Stefan ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Unger, Gerhard ; Wolf, Felix (2019): Solving Electromagnetic Eigenvalue Problems via an Isogeometric Boundary Element Method and Contour Integration. In: VII International Conference on Isogeometric Analysis (IGA 2019), München. URL: http://congress.cimne.com/IGA2019/. [Talk]

Kurz, Stefan ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Wolf, Felix (2019): Towards a Spectral Method of Moments using Computer Aided Design. In: Advances in Radio Science, 17, pp. 59–63, ISSN: 1684-9965, DOI: 10.5194/ars-17-59-2019. [Article]

Kurz, Stefan ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Wolf, Felix (2019): Isogeometric Boundary Elements in Electromagnetism. In: 23nd URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS 2019), San Diego, USA. URL: http://volta.sdsu.edu/~emts. [Talk]

Dölz, Jürgen ; Harbrecht, Helmut ; Kurz, Stefan ; Multerer, Michael ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Wolf, Felix (2019): Bembel, the Boundary Element Method Based Engineering Library. In: 17. Workshop Fast Boundary Element Methods in Industrial Applications, Hirschegg. URL: https://www.applied.math.tugraz.at/tagungen/FastBEM2019. [Talk]

Dölz, Jürgen ; Kurz, Stefan ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Wolf, Felix (2019): Isogeometric Boundary Elements in Electromagnetism: Rigorous Analysis, Fast Methods, and Examples. In: SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 41, (5), pp. B983–B1010, ISSN: 1064-8275, DOI: 10.1137/18M1227251, ARXIV: 1807.03097. [Article]

Buffa, Annalisa ; Dölz, Jürgen ; Kurz, Stefan ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Vázquez, Rafael ; Wolf, Felix (2019): Multipatch Approximation of the de Rham Sequence and its Traces in Isogeometric Analysis. In: Numerische Mathematik, 144, (1), pp. 201–236, ISSN: 0029-599X, DOI: 10.1007/s00211-019-01079-x, ARXIV: 1806.01062. [Article]


Wolf, Felix ; Dölz, Jürgen ; Kurz, Stefan ; Schöps, Sebastian (2018): Isogeometric Discretisations of the Electric Field Integral Equation. In: URSI Kleinheubacher Tagung (KHB 2018), Miltenberg. URL: https://www.kh2018.de. [Poster]

Wolf, Felix ; Dölz, Jürgen ; Kurz, Stefan ; Schöps, Sebastian (2018): Isogeometric Discretisations of the Electric Field Integral Equation. In: URSI Kleinheubacher Tagung (KHB 2018), Miltenberg. URL: https://www.kh2018.de. [Talk]

Tommasini, Davide ; Arbelaez, Diego ; Auchmann, Bernhard ; Bajas, Hugues ; Bajko, Marta ; Ballarino, Amalia ; Barzi, Emanuela ; Bellomo, Giovanni ; Benedikt, Michael ; Izquierdo Bermudez, Susana ; Bordini, Bernardo ; Bottura, Luca ; Brower, Lucas ; Buzio, Marco ; Caiffi, Barbara ; Caspi, Shlomo ; Dhalle, Marc ; Durante, Maria ; deRijk, Gijs ; Fabbricatore, Pasquale ; Farinon, Stefania ; Ferracin, Paolo ; Gao, Peng ; Gourlay, Steve ; Juchno, Mariusz ; Kashikhin, Vadim ; Lackner, Friedrich ; Lorin, Clement ; Marchevsky, Maxim ; Marinozzi, Vittorio ; Martinez, Teresa ; Munilla, Javier ; Novitski, Igor ; Ogitsu, Toru ; Ortwein, Rafal ; Perez, Juan Carlos ; Petrone, Carlo ; Prestemon, Soren ; Prioli, Marco ; Rifflet, Jean-Michel ; Rochepault, Etienne ; Russenschuck, Stephan ; Salmi, Tiina ; Savary, Frederic ; Schoerling, Daniel ; Segreti, Michel ; Senatore, Carmine ; Sorbi, Massimo ; Stenvall, Antti ; Todesco, Ezio ; Toral, Fernando ; Verweij, Arjan P. ; Wessel, Sander ; Wolf, Felix ; Zlobin, Alexander V. (2018): Status of the 16 T dipole development program for a future hadron collider. In: IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 28, (3), pp. 4001305, ISSN: 1051-8223, DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2017.2780045. [Article]

Kurz, Stefan ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Wolf, Felix (2018): The Beginnings of Spline Theory and Computational Geometry. In: Workshop on Advances in Electromagnetic Research – KWT 2018, Riezlern, Austria. URL: http://maxwell-in-motion.org. [Talk]

Dölz, Jürgen ; Kurz, Stefan ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Wolf, Felix (2018): On isogeometric boundary element methods for electromagnetic problems. In: Workshop on Advances in Electromagnetic Research – KWT 2018, Riezlern, Austria. URL: http://maxwell-in-motion.org. [Talk]

Dölz, Jürgen ; Kurz, Stefan ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Wolf, Felix (2018): An Overview of Isogeometric Boundary Element Methods for Acoustic and Electromagnetic Scattering Problems. In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, volume 18. Wiley. DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201800100. [In Proceedings]

Dölz, Jürgen ; Kurz, Stefan ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Wolf, Felix (2018): Isogeometric Boundary Element Methods for Electromagnetic Problems: Discretisation and Numerical Examples. In: Symposium of the International Association for Boundary Element Methods (IABEM 2018), Paris, France. URL: https://project.inria.fr/iabem2018/. [Talk]

Dölz, Jürgen ; Harbrecht, Helmut ; Kurz, Stefan ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Wolf, Felix (2018): On Fast Isogeometric Boundary Element Methods. In: IGAA 2018, Delft. URL: http://igaa2018.nl. [Talk]

Dölz, Jürgen ; Harbrecht, Helmut ; Kurz, Stefan ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Wolf, Felix (2018): Isogeometric Boundary Element Methods. In: 89th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM 2018), München. [Talk]

Dölz, Jürgen ; Harbrecht, Helmut ; Kurz, Stefan ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Wolf, Felix (2018): A Fast Isogeometric BEM for the Three Dimensional Laplace- and Helmholtz Problems. In: Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 330, pp. 83–101, ISSN: 0045-7825, DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2017.10.020, ARXIV: 1708.09162. [Article]

Blumensath, Achim ; Wolf, Felix. Chatzigiannakis, Ioannis ; Kaklamanis, Christos ; Marx, Dániel ; Sannella, Donald (editors) (2018): Bisimulation Invariant Monadic-Second Order Logic in the Finite. In: 45th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2018), volume 107 of Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), 117:1–117:13. Schloss Dagstuhl–Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik. ISBN: 978-3-95977-076-7, DOI: 10.4230/LIPIcs.ICALP.2018.117, URN: urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-91215. [In Proceedings]


Wolf, Felix ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Kurz, Stefan (2017): An Isogeometric Boundary Element Method for the Electromagnetic Wave Equation. In: 5th Workshop BEM on the Saar 2017, Saarbrücken. [Talk]

Marsic, Nicolas ; Geuzaine, Christophe ; Wolf, Felix ; Schöps, Sebastian ; De Gersem, Herbert (2017): An optimised domain decomposition method for large scale eigenvalue problems taking advantage of a contour integral approach. In: 78° North: DD24 Svalbard Norway 2017, Svalbard. [Talk]

Kurz, Stefan ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Wolf, Felix (2017): IGA BEM for Maxwell Eigenvalue Problems. In: KAUST Workshop on Computational Science and Engineering with High Performance Computers, Thuwal, Makkah Province. [Talk]

Dölz, Jürgen ; Harbrecht, Helmut ; Kurz, Stefan ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Wolf, Felix (2017): A Fast Higher Order Isogeometric Multipole Method for the Helmholtz Equation. In: Workshop on Advances in Electromagnetic Research – KWT 2017, Riezlern, Austria. URL: http://maxwell-in-motion.org. [Poster]

Dölz, Jürgen ; Harbrecht, Helmut ; Kurz, Stefan ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Wolf, Felix (2017): Isogeometric Higher Order BEM for Electromagnetic Problems. In: International Conference on Isogeometric Analysis IGA 2017, Pavia, Italy. [Talk]

Bontinck, Zeger ; Corno, Jacopo ; De Gersem, Herbert ; Kurz, Stefan ; Pels, Andreas ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Wolf, Felix ; de Falco, Carlo ; Dölz, Jürgen ; Vázquez, Rafael ; Römer, Ulrich (2017): Recent Advances of Isogeometric Analysis in Computational Electromagnetics. In: International Compumag Society Newsletter, 24, (3), pp. 5–16, ISSN: 1026-0854, ARXIV: 1709.06004. [Article]


Wolf, Felix ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Kurz, Stefan (2016): IGA BEM for Maxwell eigenvalue problems. In: 14. Workshop Fast Boundary Element Methods in Industrial Applications, Hirschegg. URL: https://www.applied.math.tugraz.at/tagungen/FastBEM2016. [Talk]

Wolf, Felix ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Kurz, Stefan (2016): An Isogeometric Approach to Maxwells Eigenvalue Problem via BEM. In: Workshop on Advances in Electromagnetic Research – KWT 2016, Riezlern, Austria. URL: http://maxwell-in-motion.org. [Talk]

Kurz, Stefan ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Wolf, Felix (2016): IGA BEM for Maxwell Eigenvalue Problems. In: RICAM Workshop Analysis and Numerics of Acoustic and Electromagnetic Problems, Linz. URL: https://www.ricam.oeaw.ac.at/specsem/specsem2016/. [Talk]