Komann, Theodor ; Wiesheu, Michael ; Ulbrich, Stefan ; Schöps, Sebastian (2024): Robust Design Optimization of Electric Machines with Isogeometric Analysis. In: Mathematics, ISSN: 2227-7390, DOI: 10.3390/math12091299. [Article]


Wiesheu, Michael ; Merkel, Melina ; Sittig, Tim ; Benke, Dimitri ; Fries, Max ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Weeger, Oliver ; Cortes Garcia, Idoia (2023): Structural Optimization of an Axial Rotatory Magnet Assembly for Magnetocaloric Cooling. In: Dresden Days on Magnetocalorics, Dresden, Germany. [Poster]

Wiesheu, Michael ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Komann, Theodor ; Ulbrich, Stefan ; Cortes Garcia, Idoia (2023): Combined Parameter and Shape Optimization of an Electric Machine with Isogeometric Analysis. In: Workshop on Advances in Electromagnetic Research – KWT 2023, Riezlern, Austria. URL: http://maxwell-in-motion.org. [Talk]

Wiesheu, Michael ; Merkel, Melina ; Sittig, Tim ; Benke, Dimitri ; Fries, Max ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Weeger, Oliver ; Cortes Garcia, Idoia (2023): Shape Optimization of a Magnetocaloric Cooling System with Isogeometric Finite Elements. In: 22nd European Conference on Mathematics for Industry (ECMI 2023), Wroclaw, Poland. European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry. [Talk]

Wiesheu, Michael ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Komann, Theodor ; Ulbrich, Stefan ; Cortes Garcia, Idoia (2023): Combined Parameter and Shape Optimization of an Electric Machine with Isogeometric Analysis. In: Math 2 Product (M2P) 2023 – Emerging Technologies in Computational Science for Industry, Sustainability and Innovation, Taormina, Italy. [Talk]

Wiesheu, Michael ; Komann, Theodor ; Merkel, Melina ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Ulbrich, Stefan ; Cortes Garcia, Idoia (2023): Combined Parameter and Shape Optimization of Electric Machines with Isogeometric Analysis. Cornell University, ARXIV: 2311.06046. [Preprint].

Wiesheu, Michael ; Merkel, Melina ; Sittig, Tim ; Benke, Dimitri ; Fries, Max ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Weeger, Oliver ; Cortes Garcia, Idoia (2023): How to Build the Optimal Magnet Assembly for Magnetocaloric Cooling: Structural Optimization with Isogeometric Analysis. In: International Journal of Refrigeration, 152, pp. 62–73, ISSN: 0140-7007, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2023.04.014, ARXIV: 2212.06580. [Article]


Wiesheu, Michael ; Merkel, Melina ; Sittig, Tim ; Benke, Dimitri ; Fries, Max ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Weeger, Oliver ; Cortes Garcia, Idoia (2022): Shape Optimization of a Magnetocaloric Cooling System with Isogeometric Finite Elements. In: 20th International IGTE Symposium 2022 on Computational Methods in Electromagnetics and Multiphysics, Graz. URL: http://wp12688559.server-he.de/symp22/. [Talk]

Wiesheu, Michael (2022): Shape optimization of a magnetocaloric cooling system with isogeometric finite elements. Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt. [Master's Thesis]