Paakkunainen, Elias ; Denis, Louis ; Geuzaine, Christophe ; Rasilo, Paavo ; Schöps, Sebastian (2025): Foil Conductor Model for Efficient Simulation of HTS Coils in Large Scale Applications. In: IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, ISSN: 1051-8223, DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2024.3517573, ARXIV: 2410.05121. [Article]
Paakkunainen, Elias ; Denis, Louis ; Geuzaine, Christophe ; Rasilo, Paavo ; Schöps, Sebastian (2024): Homogenization of HTS Magnet Coils Using the Foil Conductor Model. In: ICAP 2024, Seeheim-Jugenheim. [Talk]
Paakkunainen, Elias ; Denis, Louis ; Geuzaine, Christophe ; Rasilo, Paavo ; Schöps, Sebastian (2024): Homogenization of HTS Coils and Stacks Using the Foil Conductor Model. In: Workshop on Advances in Electromagnetic Research – KWT 2024, Riezlern, Austria. URL: [Poster]
Paakkunainen, Elias ; Denis, Louis ; Geuzaine, Christophe ; Rasilo, Paavo ; Schöps, Sebastian (2024): Foil Conductor Model for Efficient Simulation of HTS Stacks and Coils in Large Scale Applications. In: Applied Superconductivity Conference 2024, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. URL: [Talk]
Paakkunainen, Elias ; Denis, Louis ; Geuzaine, Christophe ; Rasilo, Paavo ; Schöps, Sebastian (2024): Homogenization of HTS Coils and Stacks Using the Foil Conductor Model. In: 9th International Workshop on Numerical Modelling of High Temperature Superconductors, Bad Zurzach, Switzerland. URL: [Poster]
Paakkunainen, Elias ; Bundschuh, Jonas ; Cortes Garcia, Idoia ; De Gersem, Herbert ; Schöps, Sebastian (2024): Circuit Consistency and Structure of Inductive Foil Conductor Models. In: 15th Conference on Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering (SCEE 2024), Darmstadt. URL: [Poster]
Paakkunainen, Elias ; Bundschuh, Jonas ; Garcia, Idoia Cortes ; De Gersem, Herbert ; Schöps, Sebastian (2024): A Stabilized Circuit-Consistent Foil Conductor Model. In: IEEE Access, 12, pp. 1408–1417, ISSN: 2169-3536, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3346677, ARXIV: 2306.13477. [Article]
Paakkunainen, Elias ; Bundschuh, Jonas ; Cortes Garcia, Idoia ; De Gersem, Herbert ; Schöps, Sebastian (2023): A Stabilized Circuit-Consistent Foil Conductor Model. In: Workshop on Advances in Electromagnetic Research – KWT 2023, Riezlern, Austria. URL: [Talk]
Paakkunainen, Elias ; Bundschuh, Jonas ; Cortes Garcia, Idoia ; De Gersem, Herbert ; Schöps, Sebastian (2023): Analysis and Stabilization of the Foil Conductor Model. In: 22nd European Conference on Mathematics for Industry (ECMI 2023), Wroclaw, Poland. European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry. [Talk]
Paakkunainen, Elias ; Laurson, Lasse ; Rasilo, Paavo (2023): Coupled 2-D FEM and 1-D Micromagnetic Model for Transverse Anisotropy Tape-Wound Magnetic Cores. In: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 59, (5), pp. 1–4, ISSN: 0018-9464, DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2023.3239634. [Article]
Paakkunainen, Elias ; Laurson, Lasse ; Rasilo, Paavo (2022): Coupled 2-D FEM and 1-D Micromagnetic Model for Transverse Anisotropy Tape-Wound Magnetic Cores. In: 20th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC 2022), Denver, CO, USA. URL: [Poster]
Paakkunainen, Elias ; Laurson, Lasse ; Rasilo, Paavo (2022): Coupled 2-D FEM and 1-D Micromagnetic Model for Transverse Anisotropy Tape-Wound Cores. In: Workshop on Advances in Electromagnetic Research – KWT 2022, Riezlern, Austria. URL: [Talk]
Paakkunainen, Elias (2022): Coupled Finite Element and Micromagnetic Modeling of Iron Losses in Tape Wound Magnetic Cores. Tampere University, Tampere. [Master's Thesis]