Backmeyer, Merle ; Wiesheu, Michael ; Schöps, Sebastian (2025): Learning electromagnetic fields based on finite element basis functions. In: 25th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (COMPUMAG 2025), Naples, Italy. International Compumag Society. URL: [Submitted]
Backmeyer, Merle ; Kurz, Stefan ; Möller, Matthias ; Schöps, Sebastian (2024): Combining Neural Networks and Isogeometric Analysis. In: Workshop on Advances in Electromagnetic Research – KWT 2024, Riezlern, Austria. URL: [Talk]
Backmeyer, Merle ; Kurz, Stefan ; Möller, Matthias ; Schöps, Sebastian (2024): Solving Electromagnetic Scattering Problems by Isogeometric Analysis with Deep Operator Learning. In: 2024 Kleinheubach Conference. IEEE. ISBN: 978-3-948571-12-2, DOI: 10.23919/IEEECONF64570.2024.10739053, ARXIV: 2409.20280. [In Proceedings]
Backmeyer, Merle (2024): Deep Ritz with IgANets in H(curl) and its Trace Spaces. ETH, Zürich. DOI: 10.3929/ethz-b-000686510. [Master's Thesis]
Cortes Garcia, Idoia ; Backmeyer, Merle (2021): Darwin Formulation of Maxwell's Equations. In: Workshop on Advances in Electromagnetic Research – KWT 2021, Virtual Conference. URL: [Talk]