GCC Code Coverage Report

Directory: Bembel/src/
File: ClusterTree/ElementTreeNode.hpp
Date: 2024-12-18 07:36:36
Exec Total Coverage
Lines: 41 51 80.4%
Functions: 15 16 93.8%
Branches: 11 18 61.1%

Line Branch Exec Source
1 // This file is part of Bembel, the higher order C++ boundary element library.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2022 see <http://www.bembel.eu>
4 //
5 // It was written as part of a cooperation of J. Doelz, H. Harbrecht, S. Kurz,
6 // M. Multerer, S. Schoeps, and F. Wolf at Technische Universitaet Darmstadt,
7 // Universitaet Basel, and Universita della Svizzera italiana, Lugano. This
8 // source code is subject to the GNU General Public License version 3 and
9 // provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, see <http://www.bembel.eu> for further
10 // information.
15 namespace Bembel {
17 /**
18 * \ingroup ClusterTree
19 * \brief The ElementTreeNode corresponds to an element in the element tree.
20 */
21 class ElementTreeNode {
22 public:
23 /**
24 * \brief iterator struct for element tree nodes. They may be used to iterator
25 * over the elements in a cluster. To do so, however, the cluster must be set
26 * up by ElementTree beforehand.
27 */
28 struct const_iterator {
29 using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
30 using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
31 using value_type = ElementTreeNode;
32 using pointer = value_type *;
33 using reference = value_type &;
35 /**
36 * \brief Constructs a new iterator.
37 */
38 3657759 explicit const_iterator(pointer ptr) : m_ptr(ptr) {}
40 /**
41 * \brief Accesses the pointed-to element.
42 */
43 1073815 reference operator*() const { return *m_ptr; }
44 /**
45 * \brief Accesses the pointed-to element.
46 */
47 2065343 const pointer operator->() const { return m_ptr; }
49 /**
50 * \brief Prefix increment.
51 */
52 84403852 const_iterator &operator++() {
53 84403852 m_ptr = m_ptr->next_;
54 84403852 return *this;
55 }
57 /**
58 * \brief Postfix increment.
59 */
60 const_iterator operator++(int) {
61 const_iterator tmp = *this;
62 ++(*this);
63 return tmp;
64 }
66 /**
67 * \brief Compares the underlying iterators.
68 */
69 friend bool operator==(const const_iterator &a, const const_iterator &b) {
70 return a.m_ptr == b.m_ptr;
71 }
72 /**
73 * \brief Compares the underlying iterators.
74 */
75 85936204 friend bool operator!=(const const_iterator &a, const const_iterator &b) {
76 85936204 return a.m_ptr != b.m_ptr;
77 }
79 private:
80 pointer m_ptr;
81 };
82 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
83 /// constructors
84 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
85 /**
86 * \brief Default constructor.
87 */
88 24641 ElementTreeNode() noexcept
89 49282 : prev_(nullptr),
90 24641 next_(nullptr),
91 24641 id_(-1),
92 24641 level_(-1),
93 24641 patch_(-1),
94 24641 radius_(std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) {
95 24641 midpoint_ << 0., 0., 0.;
96 24641 llc_ << 0., 0.;
97 24641 }
98 /**
99 * \brief Move constructor.
100 */
101 ElementTreeNode(ElementTreeNode &&other) noexcept {
102 midpoint_.swap(other.midpoint_);
103 llc_.swap(other.llc_);
104 vertices_ = std::move(other.vertices_);
105 radius_ = other.radius_;
106 id_ = other.id_;
107 patch_ = other.patch_;
108 sons_ = std::move(other.sons_);
109 adjcents_ = std::move(other.adjcents_);
110 }
112 /**
113 * \brief Copy constructor (deleted).
114 *
115 * \param other The ElementTreeNode instance to copy from.
116 */
117 ElementTreeNode(const ElementTreeNode &other) = delete;
118 /**
119 * \brief Copy assignment operator (deleted).
120 *
121 * \param other The ElementTreeNode instance to copy from.
122 * \return Reference to this ElementTreeNode instance.
123 */
124 ElementTreeNode &operator=(const ElementTreeNode &other) = delete;
125 /**
126 * \brief Move assignment operator (deleted).
127 *
128 * \param other The ElementTreeNode instance to move from.
129 * \return Reference to this ElementTreeNode instance.
130 */
131 ElementTreeNode &operator=(ElementTreeNode &&other) = delete;
132 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
133 /// methods
134 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
135 /**
136 * \brief Prints the member variables of the element.
137 */
138 void print() const {
139 std::cout << "{" << std::endl;
140 std::cout << "midpoint: " << midpoint_.transpose() << std::endl;
141 std::cout << "llc: " << llc_.transpose() << std::endl;
142 std::cout << "p s n: " << prev_ << " " << this << " " << next_
143 << std::endl;
144 std::cout << "neighbours: ";
145 for (auto i = 0; i < adjcents_.size(); ++i)
146 std::cout << adjcents_[i] << " ";
147 std::cout << std::endl;
148 std::cout << "vertices: ";
149 for (auto i = 0; i < vertices_.size(); ++i)
150 std::cout << vertices_[i] << " ";
151 std::cout << std::endl;
152 std::cout << "radius: " << radius_ << std::endl;
153 std::cout << "id: " << id_ << std::endl;
154 std::cout << "level: " << level_ << std::endl;
155 std::cout << "patch: " << patch_ << std::endl;
156 std::cout << "}" << std::endl;
157 return;
158 }
159 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
160 /**
161 * \brief Maps a point in the reference domain of a patch to the reference
162 * element of this element.
163 *
164 * This function asserts that the correct element is chosen. So the return
165 * value must be with in [0,1]^2.
166 *
167 * \param in Point in reference domain of the patch.
168 * \return Point in reference domain of the element.
169 */
170 3840 Eigen::Vector2d mapToReferenceElement(const Eigen::Vector2d &in) const {
✓ Branch 2 taken 3840 times.
✗ Branch 3 not taken.
✓ Branch 5 taken 3840 times.
✗ Branch 6 not taken.
✓ Branch 8 taken 3840 times.
✗ Branch 9 not taken.
3840 Eigen::Vector2d out = (in - llc_) / get_h();
✓ Branch 1 taken 3840 times.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
✓ Branch 4 taken 3840 times.
✗ Branch 5 not taken.
✓ Branch 7 taken 3840 times.
✗ Branch 8 not taken.
✓ Branch 10 taken 3840 times.
✗ Branch 11 not taken.
3840 assert(out(0) >= 0. && out(0) <= 1. && out(1) >= 0. && out(1) <= 1.);
173 3840 return out;
174 }
175 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
176 /**
177 * \brief Get the midpoint of this element with respect to the patch.
178 *
179 * \return Midpoint with respect to the patch containing the element.
180 */
181 Eigen::Vector2d referenceMidpoint() const {
182 return llc_ + Eigen::Vector2d(0.5, 0.5) * get_h();
183 }
184 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
185 /// getter
186 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
187 /**
188 * \brief Get with of the reference element with respect to the reference
189 * domain of the patch.
190 *
191 * \return Width of the reference element.
192 */
193 101058864 double get_h() const { return double(1) / double(1 << level_); }
194 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
195 /**
196 * \brief Get the level of refinement of the element.
197 *
198 * \return Level of refinement.
199 */
200 300096 int get_level() const { return level_; }
201 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
202 /**
203 * \brief Returns a const reference to the first son if any or itself.
204 *
205 * \return Const reference to the first son or this element itself.
206 */
207 2974824 const ElementTreeNode &front() const {
208 2974824 const ElementTreeNode *ptr = this;
✓ Branch 3 taken 6524496 times.
✓ Branch 4 taken 2974824 times.
9499320 while (ptr->sons_.size()) ptr = std::addressof(ptr->sons_.front());
210 2974824 return *ptr;
211 }
212 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
213 /**
214 * \brief Returns a const reference to the last son if any or itself.
215 *
216 * \return Const reference to the last son or this element itself.
217 */
218 608616 const ElementTreeNode &back() const {
219 608616 const ElementTreeNode *ptr = this;
✓ Branch 3 taken 608976 times.
✓ Branch 4 taken 608616 times.
1217592 while (ptr->sons_.size()) ptr = std::addressof(ptr->sons_.back());
221 608616 return *ptr;
222 }
223 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
224 /**
225 * \brief Returns an iterator pointing to the element in the sequence before
226 * this ElementTreeNodes.
227 *
228 * \return Returns a ElementTreeNode::const_iterator object.
229 */
231 2974824 const_iterator cbegin() const {
232 2974824 const ElementTreeNode &el = this->front();
233 2974824 return const_iterator(const_cast<ElementTreeNode *>(std::addressof(el)));
234 }
235 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
236 /**
237 * \brief Returns an iterator pointing to the element in the sequence after
238 * this ElementTreeNode.
239 *
240 * \return Returns a ElementTreeNode::const_iterator object.
241 */
242 608616 const_iterator cend() const {
243 608616 const ElementTreeNode &el = this->back();
244 608616 return const_iterator(const_cast<ElementTreeNode *>(el.next_));
245 }
246 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
247 /**
248 * \brief Returns an iterator pointing to the element in the sequence before
249 * this ElementTreeNodes.
250 *
251 * \return Returns a ElementTreeNode::const_iterator object.
252 */
253 2974824 const_iterator begin() const { return cbegin(); }
254 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
255 /**
256 * \brief Returns an iterator pointing to the element in the sequence after
257 * this ElementTreeNode.
258 *
259 * \return Returns a ElementTreeNode::const_iterator object.
260 */
261 608616 const_iterator end() const {
262 608616 return cend();
263 }
264 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
265 /// member variables
266 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
267 std::vector<ElementTreeNode> sons_; /// children
268 std::vector<ElementTreeNode *> adjcents_; /// neighbouring elements indices
269 std::vector<int> vertices_; /// indices of the vertices
270 Eigen::Vector3d midpoint_; /// midpoint of the element
271 Eigen::Vector2d llc_; /// lower left corner on [0,1]^2
272 ElementTreeNode *prev_;
273 ElementTreeNode *next_;
274 double radius_; /// radius of the element
275 int id_; /// element id with respect to the level
276 int level_; /// level of the element
277 int patch_; /// patch of the element
278 };
279 } // namespace Bembel