Frequently Asked Questions

Style Guide

How do I format my code with clang-format?

Since clang-format can not handle recursive file search one need a manual file search and use this as input.

$ find Bembel/ -iname *.hpp | xargs clang-format -style=google -i

This command searches in the directory Bembel/ for all files with ending .hpp and applies inline formatting according to the Google style guide.

Where do I find naming rules?

On the one hand, an attempt can be made to imitate the local style of the existing code (this is a good guideline, no matter which project you are contributing to). In doubt, specific rules can also be found in the style guide:

Git Workflow

Where do I find more information about feature branches?

We decided to follow the mainline integration pattern by Martin Fowler. Additional information can be found here:

What if I need other features?

If your features depends on other features you can merge them into your branch. By doing this use a special flag

$ git merge --no-ff FeatureA

This flag allows to trace individual branches in the commit history.

Why good commit messages matter?

It is all about communicating with others about changes. Consider the following example: A change breaks down another feature of the code and it is necessary to trace back what have been changed. Small commits with informative commit messages significantly simplify the search for errors and possible reverts of changes.
Further information may be found here: